Thursday, October 22, 2009

Please I need help.... My computer is at risk.....?

My system has detected a number of active spyware and adware application in my computer and it shows that my computer is at risk and it may cause malfunction of computer. (I have already installed antivirus software to protect my system from virus, adware and spyware, but it doesnt show any threats) Kindly guide me any other way to overcome this problem.

Please I need help.... My computer is at risk.....?norton internet security 2008

To remove spyware/adware/Trojans/Worms I recommend XoftSpy Se.

XoftSpy Se Features:

Remove Spyware, Adware

Stop Pop-ups

Kill Trojans, Worms, Viruses

Clean Registry %26 Program Errors

Remove harmful registry keys and files

Speed-Up your computer

Destroy harmful hijackers

Helps prevent identity theft

Clean %26 Optimize your PC

It can be found on this page:


Please I need help.... My computer is at risk.....?spyware removal

It shows there is spyware in the system. First install a firewall that will block all this types of incoming messages. Then use a spyware program to clean of the computer. Spy wares and adwares are mostly not detected by antivirus softwares.

Computer freezing after startup, now won't turn on at all, need advice.?

My computer started freezing after start up only sometimes. I ran antivirus software and adaware. Then it froze completely on the desktop, not even the cursor would move, then wouldn't turn on at all, but i could still hear the hum of the fans going. I took it to computer repair shop and they say i have a bad motherboard and cpu. They say they need to replace both at $300. Does this sound right or should i get someone else to look at it?

Computer freezing after startup, now won't turn on at all, need advice.?norton internet security

I have a hard time believing it's the motherboard. I think it's the registry and maybe outside cookies. This is what I would do. First, click on Control Panel, click on Network and Internet Connections, Click on Internet Options, click on the General tab (should already be there), click on Browsing History, click on Delete, click on Delete All. See if that fixes the problem. If not;

I don't know what computer you have, or what version of Windows you have - I'm guessing you are using Windows XP and have the install disk. You can get a huge new hard drive these days cheap. I saw a Hitachi 400 GB for $100 -

I would install a new hard drive, then install Windows on it and start over again. Also can get a hard drive enclosure for the old hard drive for about $25 - put your old hard drive in it. It will just plug into the USB. You will be able to retreive your old data from the old hard drive and then use it as a back-up hard drive. Make sure you reformat it to erase any viruses.

If that doesn't work, then you may need a new motherboard %26 CPU. I found this set-up at TigerDirect for $150.

Mach Speed P4MSD-800 D2 %26 PD 940 OEM

Mach Speed P4MSD-800 D2 Via Socket 775 MicroATX Motherboard and an Intel Pentium D 940 3.20GHz OEM Processor

That's is a pretty nice board - it isn't that hard to put it in if you can do it yourself.

How do I stop incoming messages on Outlook Express?

How can I stop messages before they arrive to my inbox - i.e. before they finish downloading thru the antivirus software? Someone is sending me 17 very long emails that are taking a long time to download. I just want to get rid of all of them before they reach my inbox.

How do I stop incoming messages on Outlook Express?norton

Install e-Prompter

With this program you can delete those mails before reaching your Outlook

How do I stop incoming messages on Outlook Express?spyware remover

Most of the Outlook Express error messages are due to problems with the internet connection, not the software on your computer.

In my system ms word files effected by .scr virus, may i know how to resolve.?

in my system ms office effected by .scr virus. i have some anti virus softares like norton,avista,mcafee,firelite. but these are not resolve the virus.may i know which antivirus software will work

In my system ms word files effected by .scr virus, may i know how to resolve.?nortonantivirus

This is one of the easiest tools to remove the .scr virii...

Download and scan and it will remove all those virii inc. ,scr, blaster etc....

Also try these

Do rate if this had helped....

In my system ms word files effected by .scr virus, may i know how to resolve.?spyware

skan your computer
R u using MS Office 2007 or 2003?May i know in wich format u hav saved?In MS Off 2007,u have protected files.better change the format..Better use Bitdeefender updated version.
try using NOD32 antivirus or kaspersky anti virus.............they r free on the net...............damn sure, tey'll detect any kind of virus....................hope this solves ur problem....

best regards.urs praveen

Does anybody know where I could download a FREE trojan?

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Where can i get ActiveX control settings from?

My system is not allowing me to download antivirus software or open new windows on the web as the system will not download activex controls, i have tried to reboot, change all my firewall and safety settings but still no luck in solving the problems that i am having

Where can i get ActiveX control settings from?panda

god just stop with the supersexy computer questions.

Where can i get ActiveX control settings from?suzuki

go to internet options, then go to advanced and change the active x settings. you could also dissable your firewall.
Have you checked your IE browser settings in tools - internet options? One of the options is to turn off Active X. Remember that Firefox browser doesn't support active x but will still allow you to download stuff, so try using that instead. - Firefox web browser.

Plz help me?

hello sir

Its a very big problem that anyone is hacking and lock my pc from windows password . I have make reset password disk by floppy rom , but this hacker has crashed that also and written message in pasword hint that " I don't let you to use your pc , I have some devices from which I can access your pc from one mile far away and I am listening you also from your voice . No antivirus software, no window defender , no window firewall will block me to lock your pc "

Sir , there is no way to hide him , he crash all of windows password, I don't know who is he or she , just he write the message in hint place .

Please if you can help me so do it soon and give the solution so I can follow these instructions

Yes one main thing is that , I have no lan card , no net connection , no cable or dsl modem , then also he did lock my pc from windows password , I just reinstall my pc and within 5 min ( if he or she available at his place ) so he lock my pc .

2nd main thing is that , my pc got lock at only my home , and I got many pc from my friends, cousin , neighbours but this hacker does lock that all pc too . It means NO PC CAN RUN FROM MY HOME .

please I want your help on this matter


from Hina Akber

Plz help me?pc security

simple..go to google. and type " block hacker "...they will show you pages of pages on how to block it...

DO YOU KNOW WHO'S VISITING YOUR COMPUTER?! General Warning/Survey/Q for ALL, & another love

OK, so my computer WAS SICK SICK SICK, but now, with help of great folks here, it's doing BETTER! :)

But I'm wondering if others out there are aware of who all comes knocking at your computer from all over the world: every day, every hour, every moment, every milisecond! :P

I found out Comcast had McAfee available FREE to ISP subscribers, so I downloaded it.

If YOU HAVE McAfee (or I suspect this option's available on other AntiVirus software also) click to view your Inbound traffic logs. Click the M on your toolbar to open McAfee, then click Reports and Logs, then click View Log, then click Inbound Events.

What do YOU see? ;)

Here, there are repeated strings of first ten, then five recurrent hits, each entire group of 10/5 always happening within 1 to 2 seconds. On McAfee, click TRACE THIS ADDRESS %26 watch it ping node-to-node from here to MYANMAR! :P *sigh*

I got 42 pages in 3 days! Do YOU have this level traffic? Does yours include *visits* FROM your OWN COMPUTER!?

DO YOU KNOW WHO'S VISITING YOUR COMPUTER?! General Warning/Survey/Q for ALL, %26 another lovely Q for you GEEKS!photoshop

It is said if your leave your computer on internet without firewall, it will be hacked in 12 mins. My computer get scanned 5 to 10 times in 1 hours. Normally a computer is scanned for venerability on internet 5 to 50 times per hour and hacker just use random IP addresses to scan.

A sudden problem with Yahoo Mail Beta?

I don't know why but I suddenly keep getting this message whenever I login to my mail:

Here's what I did:

I emailed Yahoo about this problem, I cleared off my browser cache, I reinstalled IE7.

I still get the same dang message. I am wondering if it could be my Firewall/Antivirus software...

A sudden problem with Yahoo Mail Beta?pop up blocker

IE7 is currently incompatible with Y!MB .. I have the same problem and asked the question right here, and that was the answer. We have to wait until Yahoo! fixes this.. Everytime I log in i have to choose "check mail with the original yahoo mail" because I don't want to switch back. I'm just gonna wait until the problem is fixed

A sudden problem with Yahoo Mail Beta?systemworks

Get rid of yahoo Beta and go back to the old version, BETA SUCKS! There is a link on Beta where you can go back to the older better version.
that sucks i'm sorry

Has anyone else got this?! I got it in my e-mail, from a friend!?


%26gt; %26gt;

%26gt; %26gt; Please Be Extremely Careful especially if using internet mail

%26gt; %26gt;such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this

%26gt; %26gt;morning direct from both Microsoft and Norton.

%26gt; %26gt; Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the

%26gt; %26gt;Internet.

%26gt; %26gt; You may receive an apparently harmless email with a P ower

%26gt; %26gt;Point presentation "Life is beautiful."

%26gt; %26gt; If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY

%26gt; %26gt;CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately. If you open this file, a message

%26gt; %26gt;will appear on your screen saying: "It is too late now, your life is no

%26gt; %26gt;longer beautiful." Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC and the

%26gt; %26gt;person who sent it to you will gain access to your

%26gt; %26gt;

%26gt; %26gt; name, e-mail and password.

%26gt; %26gt; This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday

%26gt; %26gt;afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the antivirus

%26gt; %26gt;software's are not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by

%26gt; %26gt;a hacker who calls himself "life owner."


%26gt; %26gt;them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY.

Has anyone else got this?! I got it in my e-mail, from a friend!?product key

How can i download for free?

mc-afee antivirus software?

How can i download for free?security

They have a free 30 day version. Go into

or try

they both list tons of free downloads...good luck.

But remember with any of them you'll probably have to buy after 30 days. But its a great way to try it out for free. My favorite is Kaspersky anti virus. It works great and doesn't interfere with other progarams.

How can i download for free?trojan

Go to
Get utorrent from, and search for the torrent.
go to mcafee website --%26gt;downloads--%26gt;anti virus --%26gt;download
What about

Nothing is free in this world every thing has some hidden cost so please don't try for it they will cheat you by showing different scheme

u can login as



How to get rid of a trojan virus?

I have recently got a virus called "Trojan.Win32.LinkReplacer" it pops up everytime i use the internet and go to a different page. It tells me to download the antivirus software, but I know i shouldn't because ive read that is the virus. Does anyone know how to get rid of this annoying thing?

How to get rid of a trojan virus?software

It is a rouge antispyware program.

See here for details and removal instructions;

"Trojan.Win32.LinkReplacer is a new rogue anti-spyware program, which is a form of fake malicious software engineered by Internet hackers. It is a variant of Trojan.Win32 or Trojan.Win32.agent.akk. 鈥淵our browser was infected by Trojan.Win32.LinkReplacer鈥?error message might appears in your screen.

Trojan.Win32.LinkReplacer is not a virus by itself, but it is a fake anti-spyware program. Do NOT purchase Trojan.Win32.LinkReplacer under any circumstances since it is a fake anti-spyware software. The following process will help you remove it from your system easily and safely.

The following process will help you remove it from your system easily and safely."

See the link above for more info and removal instructions.

I suggest you download a good LEGIT antivirus program such as NOD32, Kaspersky or Avira AntiVir PE and do a full scan. Also download multiple antispyware programs, such as SUPERAntiSpyware (which is very good at removing this type of stuff) or Spybot search and destroy.

I Had an virus attack last week.I need 2 know the viruses b4 attacking.AnND also how 2 delete the vi

I want the best site for the free antivirus software download.

I Had an virus attack last week.I need 2 know the viruses b4 attacking.AnND also how 2 delete the viruses.?spyware removal


Download AVG antivirus for free

and update it regularily........

I Had an virus attack last week.I need 2 know the viruses b4 attacking.AnND also how 2 delete the viruses.?virus protection software

Use panda antivirus platinum. It's free.
Use AVG free antivirus. Its free and best. It is available for free download at
AVG is provides good protection(as long as you update it~~~all antivirus require that)

or maybe you want to try is superb!! quiet strict...but Kapersky don't work together with Symantex...if you have Symantex already installed in your computer, you have to unistall it first...(this one i'm not sure free or not)...but try search for it...
For all computer related problems please check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spyware/virus/adware/trojans completely.

Help with windows XP safe mode, i want to enable a program?

i was wondering how to enable an antivirus software that i bought, during safe mode, so please, help me out. everytimke i click on it during safe mode, it will say i cant run it during safe mode, how can i run that program only in safe mode.

Help with windows XP safe mode, i want to enable a program?spyware remove

Some programs just won't run in safe mode. And i believe that your antivirus software may be one of them. Btw why do you want to run in Safe mode anyway. Safe mode is very restrictive.

Help with windows XP safe mode, i want to enable a program?virus protection

make sure your di-ck aint hard so u can get into safe mode. feel me boi
Take the word of your system. You can't run the program in Safe Mode.

A lot of your system functionality is disabled in Safe Mode since you should be troubleshooting there, not configuring applications.
actaully, it is possible that you will not be able to use the anti virus software that you are talking about. Its because some softwares need few processes to be runinig, so making them run will make your software run.

But it depends on what software you got.

I suggest you install any freeware anti spyware and anti virus software that also work in safe mode.

Computer help please!?

Okay i have a Dell Dimension E521 which runs Windows Vista. Its pretty much new, we've had it for 2 months. After a while of being on the computer it stops letting me right click on things like so i cant save images, or copy, or paste. It wont even let me right click on the desktop screen. I also have it to where the tabs are at the top and when i open a new tab by right clicking it wont load, itll just say connecting, but still nothing happens. I have to restart my computer each time this happens and it interrupts whatever im doing on the computer. I dont know if its the internet (i have Charter Cable) because it did this on my last computer too (windows XP;dialup) I also know its NOT the mouse, ive went through a couple already. I was thinking that it could be a virus, but if it is its not detected by my Antivirus Software (Norton 360) Can somebody explain to me why this happens and what I can do about it?

Computer help please!?spyware remover

Try SAFE mode then do a system restore to a date when everything was ok. If this does not work, scan your PC with a different anti virus like Antivir, etc.

Computer help please!?virus removal

i agree with karz except for the antivirus id use and do use avast 4.7 home if thats the problem avast got the cure .

Vandut Trojans are Ramsacking my Computer!?

Several vandut trojan viruses are destroying my computer at this moment. My McCafree antivirus software is unable to stop these trojans, and even after I quarantine and/or restart my computer as directed, the trojans still return. What can I do? If I am unable to fix this, I might as well never come home again.

Vandut Trojans are Ramsacking my Computer!?spyware


You should use "NoAdware".It's very effective.I don't have anymore problems with spyware,pop-up,Trojan or viruses.Now, you can download and try for FREE.Check it out here:

Vandut Trojans are Ramsacking my Computer!?virus scan

You have to run the vundo fix and the other 5 programs listed on the spyware fighter essential programs list;_ylt=AuNW...

My mp3 player isnt reading my files?

its not reading the files i had in there. ive been using the same ones for atleast a whole week and now everytime i turn it on it says "no files". and everytime i put it into the usb drive, the folder doesnt show any files atall either. but it shows that the mp3 player is full (completely). now i can put anymore in it. what can i do?

its an mp3 player that came free with an antivirus software: "McAfee Digital MP Player 128MB". i bought it about a month ago.

My mp3 player isnt reading my files?stinger

buy another one...yours is probably broken or permanently can't fix it unfortunately

My mp3 player isnt reading my files?virus scanner

some Media Player does not support MP3 files that have unsynchronized ID3v2 headers.

if you have windows xp if you click on the right botten of the mouse

on the program you are using for the mp3 player then go to compatibility there you can run the program in any windows you want.
Try formattin g it if there is an option and then try the nati virus maybe thats why the anti virus came because they knew it had problems and if it stilld oesnt work then have a warranty right?%26gt;

ISO of a linux distro?

Would someone know of a version of linux that would meet my needs listed below

1. Boot from CD rom - pc will not have a hard drive.

2. I need to be able to "remote desktop" into a windows XP workstation and was wondering if and how this could be done

3. Built in firewall to protect in/out traffic

4. Not sure if this one is possible but with a CD version of linux, can you have antivirus software of some sort?

ISO of a linux distro?suzuki

What I understand, you need specialized firewall to work on computer without hard disk and you want remote administration.


(floppy based linux firewall but no remote administration)


(flash card based unix firewall)

The other solution are IPCOP, smooth walls, etc (popular Linux firewall with remote administration but needs hard disk)

You can search/google for "linux firewall" (i.e. linux modified to run firewall %26 nothing else). Lot of them available free but check them with your requirement

ISO of a linux distro?virus

most live linux distros will do what you are asking for. my personal recommendation is centOS. it's the most stable one that's free. if you have tricky hardware environment such as a wireless connection or raid, then try opensuse. if you have an old laptop, you can try damnsmalllinux. for comparisons, try
Try checking here
I do this with an Ubutnu ISO.

(not sure about the firewall part though)

Why dose my PC take ages to turn on????

I'm using Vista.

When I turn on my PC it takes about 1/2 an hour or longer to turn on!

I have a good antivirus software and no viruses.

What is the problem and how can I fix it?

Why dose my PC take ages to turn on????symantic

Might be due to low memory, vista is a very demanding operating system.

Why dose my PC take ages to turn on????viruses

vista do a lot of things under the hood and we dont know what it do but personally why you dont install xp for now and wait a longer for installing vista or try linux is very cool
Try to reconfigure your start up programs. Sometimes, without you knowing it, your computer will automatically run various programs at start up, and half of them you don't even use.
running windows vista with out running the microsoft compatabl;ity test to see what you need to do before you can windows vista.

False Windows Security Alerts?

Everytime after I log in, Windows security alerts balloon pops up telling me "no firewall is turned on" and "antivirus software might not be installed".

But I've got the most up to date versions of NOD32 and Comodo Firewall Pro running and I've been using them for ages. Windows Security Centre just started not recognizing them since last night. I only installed Babylon 7 and can't think of any other changes I did.

I tried clearing out my cache, the scanning with Spybot, AVG Anti Spyware, and NOD32 - no threats found; rebooted for a few times, still the same outcome.

Any ideas?


False Windows Security Alerts?symatec

click on the security center icon and go into its settings and disable alerts ..

False Windows Security Alerts?vista

Turn OFF windows firewall and security. But not recomended. Also scan with Spybot Search and destroy (good antispyware software)
disable alerts by clicking on the balloons when they pop up


uninstall your antivirus and re install and fully update.........its wise to have only 1 antivirus tho......they dont like working 2gether.....

What i had stored in the pendrive it is not visible why?

i bought the transcend pendrive i copied the folders from my office (those r not in hide, no virus)after copied inthe pendrive it is not visible but when i am in the scanning with the antivirus software,while the scanning the folder names files are scrolling. where is the problem , how to rectify it? when i copied again th efiles from pendrive to HDD the folders r not visible y?where r the problem? how to rectify it.plz tell in that i have a valauable files.i waitng for ur reply.

What i had stored in the pendrive it is not visible why?systemworks

Hi rupa,

I had came across this pbm lot of time..yet to found out the correct solution but i can give u a suggestion for recovering your data... If u known with the folder name which u created, u can type that folder name, so that u r now able to view the files or folders inside that folders...(for eg: if H is ur pen drive partition type H:/Asok)..

How do I get rid of this virus?

I have a virus in c:\windows\system32\dsoun.dll\[UPX] and every time I try to fix the problem, access is denied. I have avast! antivirus software, and no matter what i click--whether it is move to chest, delete, or move/rename, access is denied! What do I do to get rid of this virus??

This is the information it tells me is infecting the file:

Malware Name: Win32:BHO-KD [Trj]

Malware Type: Troojan Horse

And also.. every time I try to open up any of my pictures, whether just by going to my pictures from a folder or going to them through an online photo uploader, the whole program that I am using closes.


How do I get rid of this virus?triumph

No antivirus or antispyware protection is perfect, not even the expensive ones but a good mixture will help you clean your system and hopefully keep it clean. It is advisable not to run two or more anti virus applications as they may interfere with one another and cause false alerts.

As the biggest of the problems seem to be associated with Spyware, for starters, download, update and run a full scan using the following product:

SuperAntiSpyware is exceptional and will remove the majority of difficult Trojans and Worms, not just the easy ones.

If possible it is recommended that you load the application in normal mode but run it in Safe Mode. Safe Mode can be started by continually pressing F8 during the boot sequence. If you are badly infected you might need to run SuperAntiSpyware more than once to help clean your system. If the only infections now being shown are in System Restore, once you are completely satisfied that you can boot normally, you can either delete the infected restore points manually, or temporarily turn off System Restore.

My computer virus won't allow me to scan and repair can I slave it to my other computer?

Can I make it a slave to another computer to fix the problem. I have tried loading different antivirus software when it is running in safe mode but cant do it. I can't connect to the internet to run something from the web. Is there a way to solve my problem?

My computer virus won't allow me to scan and repair can I slave it to my other computer?trojan

You may have to pull out the harddrive and put it in another computer as the SLAVE. Then you can use the other HD to run your scans. I suspect that you have some spyware or virus that has disabled your programs so you can not detect it.

If you transfer your data you may be transfering the problem also.

My computer virus won't allow me to scan and repair can I slave it to my other computer?abtuvurys 2005

NO, you cant. and there may be a chance that other computer will get the virus as well if you hook them up. what is the name of the virus? maybe i can help you. and what kinda anti virus program have you tried?
It you can, try and download avg 7.5. If not go online and try housecall on It takes a while for everything to update your computer, but once it goes thru it really is a good virus detection. Good luck, I dont know anything about slave and master with computers. Sorry
I think it's better if you have transfer all your data out and reformat your computer. Much safer and fuss-free, i think.
A good anti virus would most probably kill the virus at startup before the virus loads.

How can I stop my McAffee from resetting my POP3 email account's incoming server to 127.1.01 ev

I know thats a loopback used by antivirus software. How do I stop it from resetting to that everytime i reboot the computer?

How can I stop my McAffee from resetting my POP3 email account's incoming server to 127.1.01 every day?vincent

Get rid of McAfee and get AVG anti virus instead - it's free and doesn't do half the background crap that McAfee does.

Aol active virus shield?

aol active virus shield. i have this antivirus software on my laptop and i am very happy with it. however i notice that it is no longer available to download as aol have switched to a freeware mcafee suite. are aol going to keep providing update support for active virus shield or will it be stopping and, if so, when?

Aol active virus shield?virus protection software

I can't find any info on this either; but as long as Kaspersky keeps supporting it, I'm keeping Active Virus Shield till it dies.

Just when you thought AOL *might* not totally suck, they go and take away the only good thing they offered and the only reason I associated with them at all!

McAfee is still McAfee no matter what you call it or how you dress it up, it's still a resource HOG.

Just wait a few months down the road the major increase we're gonna see of people with "slow" computers..."I use AOL's McAfee Virus Scan Plus and..." :-((

Aol active virus shield?adware

I suspect updates are down to Kaspersky rather than AOL, as Active Virus Shield is a version of Kaspersky Antivirus. I think you nominally get a one year licence when you install so it could possibly stop after a year of use.
Maybe they will but McAfee is good and dont worry about that fool above
ActiveVirusShield is still working as far as i know.

Its Kaspersky that decides to pull the plug.

Is it Safe??

A friend suggested a P2P network for online file sharing like Gnutella - Is it safe? Can other clients transmit viruses onto my computer? If I download a file from a host, and the file is contaminated, can my computer catch the virus too? What about if it's in a format that only hurts certain systems, is it possible for my computer to be exempt at all, even if I have antivirus software and firewalls?? My friend uses it on a Compaq Presario SR1212NX model, which is a pretty good system, but intermittently, it hums. Not a loud, malign hum, more of a gentle "woosh," like a fan motor. I understand that these computers are designed with internal fans to cool down the systems, but I'm wondering if that is, in fact, what it's doing, or if that's an indicator of when someone is downloading files off of you. I'm worried that someone might steal my personal files or that the network will hurt my system. Does anyone use P2P networks like LimeWire? Does it work okay for you? Thanks for the input.

Is it Safe??virus protection

I can assure you, the hum of the PC is not a result of folks downloading files. They get old, and loud, it happens. Especially when the hard drive starts to get old, you can hear it working much more loudly. Either way, P2P is safe for the most part, they usually have built in virus blockers, which I would not depend on competely. You should always have an anti-virus installed on your PC, like Norton, for example. These are always running in the background and check any file being loading into your hard drive or memory. And as long as you keep your antivirus up to date, you shouldn't have any problems. And only download things that look legitimate (I am not condoning software or media piracy in any way) Don't download files that claim to be large programs or media files and have a file size of 22KB. A 2 Hour video file should range between 600-800MB (600,000-800,000KB) Full CDs are 700MB. You have to learn to recognize this sort of thing. If a file ends in ".exe" always be cautious because that is a PROGRAM file and could potentially be a virus. Always check the description of the file you are downloading by moving your mouse over the name of the file.

I need help to get rid of an msn virus?

Does anyone know how to gid rid of this horrible msn virus that i have got please i have tried antivirus software and it doesnt find it as a virus and it wasn't found as spyware either

it was sent to me as a link called by a friend and when i clicked on it it sent me to a webpage clled delete dot com but now it keeps sending this link to all of my friends and it keeps signing me out and messing up my msn

if anyone knows how to get rid of it i would be very greatful

I need help to get rid of an msn virus?computer virus

Try some penicillin.

I need help to get rid of an msn virus?free spyware remover

You obviously need a better anti-virus programme - go purchase the licence for NOD32 and install that on your on your computer.

go to

use activescan for online scanning ..

if it finds some files and won`t delete them (due to commercial reasons that might happen) copy%26paste the report on the notepad, search the files and delete them. don't forget to unable your antivirus temporally before online scanning

鈽喡?鈥?篓*`鈥?褣喔勛┭?喔?喔犩箑蟼褦 喙斷竸褍 赂.鈥?篓*`鈥?赂鈽?br> 鈽喡绰?

. 赂.鈥⒙?赂.鈥?麓篓) 鈽?(炉`鈥?鈥⒙绰?

(.赂.鈥⒙? (赂.鈥 鈽?陇潞.`鈥?赂.鈥⒙?鈽喯佮竸喂泻褦喔?赂.鈥?篓)鈽嗏劉鈽唡||I have recently been attacted by this "MSN Virus" which doesn't allow you to search for help, load anti-virus, use the taskmanager, system restore or even MSConfig. I have also noticed that people have told you to use these things such as disabling system processes in MSConfig or something like that but most of us have noticed that it just isn't possible. I have found a possible cure to this bug but it require speed and a keen eye:

Converting files?

Whenever I had downloaded games from, they had always been .exe files. When I recently tried to download a game, it was an .efw file, a file used for email attachments, instead. The only thing I can think that may have caused this is that I sent an email with an attachment earlier that day. After a bit of researching, it said that my computer's antivirus software, CA, may have caused this as well. Does anyone know how I can either convert the files to .exe files or how to make my computer download them as .exe files again?

Converting files?computer

Just rename it with Explorer. :)

I got an annoying pop up in my system saying that I got a win32, trojan, worm can I get

The pop up is all about purchasing an antivirus me please.

I got an annoying pop up in my system saying that I got a win32, trojan, worm can I get rid of it?computers

either you have an old, outdated antivirus that can identify but not treat a certain virus...

or it's a tricky virus like this - - that tells you to download antivirus... but you may be downloading something else instead...

update your antivirus, and run it. do not do it through that pop up. do it manually yourself. also, run a spyware program like spybot or ad-aware

I got an annoying pop up in my system saying that I got a win32, trojan, worm can I get rid of it?hijack this

Spy Sweeper by Web Root is awesome.

It'll get rid of anything.

There's a free trial.

use kaspersky (antivirus)

use spyware doctor (for clearing spywares)

use tune up utilities (to clean up and speed up your pc)

AntiVir VS. AVG?

I just want to compare these two free antivirus software, can anyone tell me which one is more effective on detecting virus?

AntiVir VS. AVG?download

Did you mean Avira AntiVir vs. Avast AVG?

If that is what you mean then i 've literally went thru e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e. user review comments on of the two software and chose Avira AntiVir over Avast AVG at the end based on better overall reviews by the users(*everytime i come across user reviews that compared the 2, Antivir was always the better one, though it was a close tie).

I 've used it for two years now. detected alot of virus while it runs in background, guarded from alot of potential virus threats while surfing online, auto-update function does all work itself, the support forum on their site is really prompt in replying questions(one of the fastest response service i've seen). Though only 1 time virus successfully creeped in unaware while using limewire and crashed windows.

Hope this is good reference.

AntiVir VS. AVG?hijackthis

Out of those two, I would have to pick AVG. But for a better and safer overall experience I recommend Bit Defender or Dr. Web.
I know several people how have avg including is the best free anti virus i downloads automatic updates almost everyday for new viruses. U can also set it to scan your comp. everyday.
AVG is really good i have yet to find a virus with it.. so idk if its just my comp is clean or it cant find them.... also try Avira thats good too
AntiVir is Alvira. . . .thats what i use. AVG is just crap.
My experience is AVG scans better.
My Internet server recommended AVG, %26 I love it, the fact that they let you know that whatever was sent to you was bad, %26 they stopped it from coming through, highly recoment AVG.
AVG was rated as the best anti virus by Maximum PC
The choice is easy. (AVG is crap and always has been crap).

I need help setting up tiscali wireless on a laptop?

Tomorrow I'm hopefully getting a laptop with wifi, and I'm not sure how I'd go about setting up a wireless connection.

Our desktop PC is on Tiscali broadband, with a standard modem etc. and our operating system is XP.

Also, I already know I have to get a wireless router, but does it need any specific specifications to work properly? And what is a "network card", will I need one of those even though my laptop will be wifi enabled?

Will my desktop PC have to be turned on to access the internet on the laptop? and will I have to install Norton or other antivirus software on the laptop too, to protect it?

Thanks, sorry for the large number of questions!

I need help setting up tiscali wireless on a laptop?downloads

If you have a laptop with built-in wireless, make sure that it's turned on. There is normally a switch to turn on wireless, look for a little light with an antenna symbol, it should be on. Then go to your network connections and click on view wireless connections. Your Laptop will have a NIC (Network) already

And if you get a wireless router and connect it to your PC, your laptop would be fine picking up the signal.

And your PC does not need to be on just as long as your router is connected to your Internet signal from your ISP

(Internet Service Provider)

Oh and for a Antivirus you don't have to get Norton, you get a free one from AVG

Why can't I download Internet Explorer 7? The dialogue box pops up, but the green keeps scrolli

I don't have any firewalls on! Nor do I have any antivirus software? Why will the download not complete.

Why can't I download Internet Explorer 7? The dialogue box pops up, but the green keeps scrolling across.ducati

Do you have Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)? IE-7 requires it.

Why can't I download Internet Explorer 7? The dialogue box pops up, but the green keeps scrolling across.hp

On the Yahoo toolbar, temporarily disable the pop-up blocker and try again.

Also, pay attention to the top of the screen. Sometimes there appears a yellow line with a message about clicking to allow "active X" or some such thing.

Bitdefender, Kaspersky, or Mcafee?

I ordered a new computer %26 need help in deciding which internet security antivirus software to Please don't say Norton, it ain't happening. Thanks in advance!

Bitdefender, Kaspersky, or Mcafee?firewall


Bitdefender, Kaspersky, or Mcafee?husqvarna

McAfee, they even have reviews of each site and tell you if they spam, Phish or make fraudelent claims1

Quality adware removal?

I have a good antivirus software on our computer, but it is not strong enough for the adds. They keep coming and make the use of the computer difficult. Can anyone suggest a good free adware programm I could use of recomm anything at all even to be paid for. At the moment I'm using a programm recomended by Microsoft, it is from Lavasoft, the free version. It works so so. Please help.

Quality adware removal?free adware remover

Try these. SpywareBlaster uses no system resources whatsoever. Spybot S%26D has a AD Helper component that can provide real-time protection as well. All are free.

This is free and requires you to check for and enable updates manually once a week or so. It uses no system resources. It blocks spyware before it installs.

SpywareBlaster (inoculates, not a spyware removal tool)



Spybot S%26D (free version requires manual updating)

AVG AntiSpyware

Adaware from Lavasoft (free version requires automatic updating)

(These programs can be run in Safe Mode after installation and updating)

My system not working mail website, cann't attachment files?

I have BSNL Broad band connection. windowsXP sp2,then IE6.0sp1 then Opera9.0 installed.

But we can load, hotmail, gmail, weeb site an entire accounts but we cann't delete messages, attachement files it's minimum 5mb file size

I have Kaspersky6.0 Inet security Antivirus software

Please help me............

with our Friend

My system not working mail website, cann't attachment files?free anti virus

All webmail sites appear to have problems once in a while. Refresh your screen by pressing F5 key. If the problem does not go away, empty your temporary internet files. Scan your system for spyware also.

I like ccleaner which does cleaning with one key press.

What kind of virus do i have? and what can i do to get rid of the virus?

i am constantly bombarded with popups, my computer is reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy slow. i've looked at porn sites( big mistake, i don't look anymore.) and the popups say they detect adult sites on the computer and can help. what virus do i have? what antivirus software, preferably free. can i use to get rid of the virus?

What kind of virus do i have? and what can i do to get rid of the virus?free antivirus download

*jumps up and down*

i want to know too!!!

but i dont look at porn


What kind of virus do i have? and what can i do to get rid of the virus?internet security

Could be a Vundo Trojan. SuperAntiSpyware (link below) might remove the problem, if not try either of these two on-line scans:



Failing that, try these:
Make sure that you have a good anti virus and anti spy ware program installed on your computer.

AVG Anti virus and McAfee virus scan are supposed to help a lot.check out for more details.
porn? don't worry about anti virus it will only slow you down and it will always be busy cleaning the virus.....

Problem with Vista!!!?

Vista has stopped loading for me. I know it is a virus from a friend's DVD, but I didn't think it would be so destructive, so I put it in anyway. So the virus got loaded onto the OS. (I had avast, and it did detect the virus, but it was unable to move it to chest or delete it) Now whats happening is that Vista boots till the login screen, and doesn't do much after entering the password. What do I do?

I have ubuntu gutsy loaded also, and I'm using that right now. I tried using antivirus software from Ubuntu, but failed. Clamav doesn't test the other NTFS drives, neither does AVG. However, Avast does scan the NTFS partitions, but crashes very randomly (all of a sudden without provocation of any sort).


PS - I forgot which virus it was.. :-(

Problem with Vista!!!?free antivirus

have you tried safe mode

the only other thing i can think of suggesting is repairing vista by booting from the vista installation disk

Problem with Vista!!!?internet

Ok first of all make sure that your virus checker is fully up to date new viruses come out every day .

Update it and run another check.

Find the virus name and type it in your browser check it out for ways to remove it.

Try running your recovery software for vista

I am having some web problems, is any body else having these problems?

I try to browse and web pages keep loading very slowly, especially on Amazon and Yahoo. When I'm scrolling down Amazon's pages they don't scroll smoothly, when I try to sign out on Yahoo, it keeps saying "page not found". Even on Google, when I try to click on certain underlined links at the top of the search page it ends up timing out. And yes, my spyware, adware, and antivirus software is updated and recently been scanned finding nothing. I'm using the latest version of firefox, and my modem connections, browser configurations, and firewall have nothing do with the problem. Would reseting my ip address fix these problems? I just wanted to know if anyone was having the same troubles...

I am having some web problems, is any body else having these problems?free spyware remobal

Call your ISP and see if there are problems in your area.

Wht is Dr watson debugger program coz of that my yahoo msn is not working..?

After i have intsalled yahoo msn when i try to run it the window dissapears and when i try to see error report,it comes as dr watson postmortem debuuger program .i do not understand wht is this.

the antivirus software has been installed recently..

Wht is Dr watson debugger program coz of that my yahoo msn is not working..?free spyware remover

The good Doctor is a Microsoft employee. He is not a virus, a spyware or any other malware. He wears a white hat.

"Dr. Watson for Windows is a program error debugger that gathers information about your computer when an error (or user-mode fault) occurs with a program. Technical support groups can use the information that Dr. Watson obtains and logs to diagnose a program error. When an error is detected, Dr. Watson creates a text file (Drwtsn32.log) that can be delivered to support personnel by the method they prefer..."

Sometimes the Doctor will show up unexpectedly, then dissapear just as quickly and not show his face again for months and months.

I would not be concerned unless Dr. Watson starts to appear on a regular basis. If he does then you have serious issues with your Windows operating system. Often a reformat and complete re-install of Windows is needed.

Disabling Dr. Watson will only hide the symptoms, not provide a cure for the problem.

There is no such program called "yahoo msn".

Good luck.

Wht is Dr watson debugger program coz of that my yahoo msn is not working..?ktm

I am suggesting you didn't get a clean download or you have virus's on your pc and the download got infected? Dr Watson is a debugging program, whether it comes with windows or your antivirus software, who cares its good stuff. Delete your copy of yahoo messanger, reboot your pc then try again. If you want an older version the links below. "Yahoo.msn"? or "Windows messanger live"?

How do i get rid of this virus???<<?<a href="

i mistook that for a link provided by my friend and cliked on it and now its getting forworded automatically and the antivirus software in my system isnt working properly what do i do?can you please help me out?

How do i get rid of this virus???%26lt;%26lt;? spyware

Hi I am sorry to hear about your virus. If you and I ever meet the guy who made that virus in a dark alley Mr. T says..."I pity the fooool" ahahahah

Ok but is what you do.

Launch Internet explorer as your browser and go to and look where it says FREE VIRUS SCAN.

Don't let that fool you, it also will remove it for free. It will scan your computer and show you viruses and also adware/spyware on your system. It sounds to me like you have spyware or adware not a virus but that can be a pain also.

Good luck


How do i get rid of this virus???%26lt;%26lt;? update

it is a spyware or system hijacker..install ad aware..

Crossover cable only shows one computer?

Both computers:

-running winxp pro sp2 ,

-can ping each other fine.

-Have the same workgroup.

-both administrators.

-both are sharing files through winxp's network setup. -Restarted/shut off both.

-I don't think it is windows firewall or antivirus software.

-Both are running antivir.

[I get "access denied" screen when trying to view other computer through network neighborhood.]

It's fine if one can detect the other, but why don' t they see each other? I use a crossover cable to sometimes quickly move data (especially when there is a lot) from one pc to the other. I also have used a usb drive before, i would like this to work though. I've already tryed the last post here as well:

Crossover cable only shows one computer?hijack this

You might try Network Magic - I believe that there's a free trial available.

Crossover cable only shows one computer?liveupdate

When a PC is accessed via Network Neighbourhood, it is accessed by "Guest"account. make sure guest account is enabled on both the PC's and also in local security policy, check if guest has been denied "access this computer from network"

More specific help with the hidrrr virus.?

I can't get on antivirus software, I have windows XP, I can't install anything and I want a SIMPLE AND EASY TO FOLLOW answer. any help in removing it?

More specific help with the hidrrr virus.?hijackthis

Click start%26gt;click run type in msconfig and then press enter. Goto the start up tab and uncheck everything except your anti virus,click ok and reboot.

Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware


Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!

More specific help with the hidrrr virus.?malware

it may not be simple but possible, i found a good instruction for you to follow

I am going to be transfering files from a old hard disk to a new computer....?

I will build the new computer that will have the local C drive hard disk but i will also have temporally my old hard disk of my old computer connected onto the motherboard using a Sata ATA cable. Is there any chance that when transferring the program files and pictures ect the viruses and adware that were on my old computer can get into my new machine? i cannot remove the old viruses, adware and spyware because there is so much i have tried all antivirus software ect on the market so the question is if just transferring data files not system files could a virus make its own way into my new hard disk from the old one without me even physically transferring it?

I am going to be transfering files from a old hard disk to a new computer....?house call

It is possible to do but very risky.

First, ensure that the new PC has up-to-date antivirus (AVG Free - is a good one if there isn't anything already) and anti-spyware (Spybot S%26D from, not one of the various spyware-riddled imposters!)

Second I would suggest getting a SATA-USB adaptor or SATA Compatible USB Hard Drive enclosure (about 拢30 from PC World or Maplin Electronics) to connect the old hard-drive rather than connecting direct to the motherboard. That way you get a slower data rate but you can connect the drive easier and safer once the system is already running and therefore it won't scan and potentially activate a boot-time virus before your security kicks in. Just make sure to hit cancel when it tries to auto-run the drive!

Attmts not stored in messages in yahoo groupsites?

I'm a member in a couple of yahoo groupsites. I'm never able to open any of the attmts in the messages. The attmt name is displayed in a rectangular box below the msg with a note "attmt not stored "

I hv tried so many solutions ...set I Net Explorer to allow all cookies, low security level, disabled antivirus software, spam filter off in Yahoo mail etc.

None of the other members hv this prob.

I hv no prob in opening attmts in mails to my inboxes of various ID's.

I hv the same prob if I browse in any PC anywhere in India or US ... in Win 2K Professional or XP

Attmts not stored in messages in yahoo groupsites?hp

This is asked often.

no member can open an attachment from off the group posts, All groups say "attachments not stored". there is no setting on the group or your computer to change this: yahoo simply does not store attachments to posts- and they give you a little messsage that says this: "attachments not stored".

in order to get these, you need to have your member settings set to individual mail.

What&#039;s wrong with my computer?

it makes loud noises sometimes, and occasionally shuts down automatically.

I highly doubt it's a virus, because I run spybot (this antivirus software) and there's always "no porblems found"

What's wrong with my computer?husqvarna

#1 SpyBot is not an anti-virus's only for adware/malware/grayware....

***You should go to and install avast! home edition, it's free and really really good. Plus, it works a long with SpyBot since they look for different things.***

Try the online scan at (the link I sent) I'll bet SpyBot missed a lot of things on your machine. The trendmicro scan is free and safe--I do it once a month...

Do the online scan and message me to see where to go from there...

What's wrong with my computer?microsoft office

It sounds liek you have a hardware problem. Try to check first your hardware. Secondly, check your files with AVG free. Spybnot is not an antiv virus but it is only an antiv spyware.
sounds like the power supply fan is about to go out, and it is overheating. You probably need to get a new power supply.
I don't want to guess what's making the noise on your computer since you gave no details as to when these noises occur. The auto shutdown may be caused by your computer overheating. Some BIOSes allow you to monitor the temperature of your CPU and to set a maximum temperature that the CPU can reach. If the max temp is exceeded the system shuts down. Is your CPU fan still working? Are your cooling vents unobstructed?
Computer over-heating Go to this website and download it, it works great , and its completely free!
computers over heating or your fan isn't working properly which would explain the wierd noises from inside the computer. or your hdd is ready to take a ****.
i dunno but my comp does that too.

its a pretty old computer so i think its just dying of old age. i know its not a virus too because i had a computer freak check it out and he said it was fine

Why does Windows XP have 3 desktops?

My Dad's system started having 3 desktops (picture 3 of the same going from left to right) in XP making it almost impossible to see. The system goes through BIOS POST, and the Windows splash screen correctly. It only has this problem on the Windows desktop. He tried Windows Safe Mode, but it's even worse with snow in the background making the icons unreadable. We tried Windows rollback, but that didn't work. We also tried changing the video resoution, but that didn't help. He said he ran Antivirus software last night, but he wasn't sure if it captured a virus or not.

Why does Windows XP have 3 desktops?internet security 2006

this sounds like you have the desktop background set to tile and not center or stretch on the desktop right click go to properties go to desktop under position change it to stretch or center hit apply then ok

should be back to normal

Why does Windows XP have 3 desktops?microsoft

That wouldn't be a virus. Its something else that is installed.

I'm not sure I understand. he has one Monitor, but on the screen he sees 3 desktops (smaller screens) side by side?

Does the mouse move through all of them?

There are programs that let you have virtual Desktops. So you can do more work. (you just have different desktops).

I would think I need a picture to see what this is all about?
I think dr. bucks hit the nail right on the head
Get a Mac!

Get a MAC!!


I've had a Macbook Pro for almost 2 years now, and I haven't seen not one virus. I'm not kidding. I've never had to take it in for servicing, and the only way to crash the computer is if you open all the programs on your dock all at the same time.

Just get a mac, and solve ALL your problems RIGHT THERE.

Monday, October 19, 2009

What is virtumonde application adware?

when i downloaded a antivirus software from a website the download contained a security risk called virtumonde adware application. is it a virus or something else plz tell me if u know.

What is virtumonde application adware?internet security software

VirtuMonde is an adware program that downloads and displays targeted pop-up adverts. VituMonde may hijack your browser to unwanted advertising-related sites. In addition, VirtuMonde may monitor your Web surfing habits so it could bombard you with hundreds targeted ads.

What is virtumonde application adware?moto guzzi

Click start%26gt;click run type in msconfig and then press enter. Goto the start up tab and uncheck everything except your anti virus,click ok and reboot.

1. Download and run firefox to protect your from future spyware attacks and pop ups which are coming in through Internet Explorer IE!! (Trojan downloaders, win32 ).

http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c... see what java script can do

2. Run the vundo and combo fix http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c...

3. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware


4. Run the anti spyware remove programs spybot http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c... and superantispyware http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c... to get rid of the nasties

Please help me, I have hundreds of virus threats on my computer.?

I have antivirus software, but I don't think it works well (obviously). I think this must have happened over the last week because my computer was fine until now. I need a REALLY good program that REMOVES viruses, malware, spyware, etc from my computer. What are some good ones? Remember it needs to remove viruses too. I only want your answer if you use the program and it removes viruses well for you. Thank you.

Please help me, I have hundreds of virus threats on my computer.?internet

If you have an active subscription to an antivirus program, make sure that it is up to date. If your subscription is over either renew it or use RevoUninstaller to uninstall it. Then install AVG in its place (Remember, you should only have ONE antivirus program installed on your computer). Regardless of which of these you do, then install ThreatFire.

You should also visit the Google Pack website in order to download Spyware Doctor for free.

I would also recommend that you use Mozilla's Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Once it's installed, you should also install the Adblock Plus add-on. After it's been installed, it will ask you if you want to add certain premade lists. I find that instead of adding one, it's best to visit the homepage of EasyList, and add all three lists from there, instead of just one from the original menu.

System restore didn&#039;t work, help?

My computer has a few viruses that can't be removed. I tried system restore and it isn't working. My Norton Antivirus software could not remove the 2 viruses I have. Right now I'm running Ad-Aware and then Spybot. What else should I do to remove the viruses from my PC?

System restore didn't work, help?kawasaki

Try the Safety Scanner from the Microsoft website:

If that doesn't work, format the computer (System Recovery). You will have to manually reinstall everything that did not come pre-installed on the computer.

To perfom a system recovery, you will need the recovery disks, if it is not in a partition of your hard drive.

EDIT: Safety sacanner is compatible with Vista. It is not compatible with Firefox. It is a Microsoft website, therefor, it requires Internet Explorer.

PS: I am a VISTA user.

What kind of pc do you have? HP pcs usually don't come with the recovery disk, the recovery part is installed on a partition of the Hard drive.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.

System restore didn't work, help?nortan antivirus

use the restore cd with the pc

Should i use hp system recovery? college finals are coming up, how do i fix my virus infected comput

I have a hp pavilion a800n. I think its got viruses, spy ware, or hackers any of that good stuff . Basically it鈥檚 MESSED. When I turn it on the desktop wallpaper changes to 鈥測ou have fatal errors on your pc due to spy ware鈥?and im getting lots of pop ups and its SLOW. I cant do anything! I tried system restore and it doesn鈥檛 work I can鈥檛 even open the task manager b.c it says its been disabled by the administrator?! How do I get rid of these problems? I want to do HP system recovery but I absolutely cant afford to have my files deleted; and if i need to backup my files-how do i do that? or should i go buy an antivirus software? [im typing this from a friend's laptop b.c my computers not useable] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!

Should i use hp system recovery? college finals are coming up, how do i fix my virus infected computer?!?ktm

Borrow an external USB hard drive and copy your files over, then Use your restore disks.

Should i use hp system recovery? college finals are coming up, how do i fix my virus infected computer?!?nortan

For those of you running the Windows system, you might also want to consider the XP Medic program which offers several more advanced features than the Registry Patrol application, including the ability to completely optimize your entire XP/Vista operating system.

Does Limewire run on Window Vista?

this is probably an old question but i cant get limewire to work. i opened up all the ports, and added limewire to my exceptions list on my antivirus software. i even took down all of my firewalls and anything else my friend could think of. I have windows vista home premium and trend micro pc-cillin running on my computer..if anyone can figure out whats wrong that would be awesome

Does Limewire run on Window Vista?live update

I have Vista Home Basic and it works just fine?

Does Limewire run on Window Vista?norten

Iam using vista home premium, I have no problems with limewire. Lime wire pro works well as well.
I don't know why it does not work; I have Vista Home Premium and it works fine. You might try re-installing it.
it wont work 4me either

Problem with ThinkPad memory?

I have an IBM ThinkPad Lenovo T61 with Vista. Yesterday I had around 48Gigs of free memory and today it reads at 36Gigs and I have tried looking at it several times and it still says 36. How can I get an accurate reading of my memory or my computer can get a reading on its memory. I have ran antivirus software and didn't install or download anything in the time where my "memory went missing". Thanks for any help..

Problem with ThinkPad memory?liveupdate

Find it with this!

Problem with ThinkPad memory?nortin

Memory? sound like hard disk space. You lost more than 10gb in a day. What you can do:

1. Check every folder for unknown file

2. Search all files and sort by size and see the largest file,

3. Delete all files under temp folder, internet cache and recycle bin
Your "memory" usage will fluctuate in day to day usage due to temporay files being created and not deleted, system restore points being created etc.
The best thing to do is use a software called ccleaner it will help a lot with freeing space and it can also help the computer run faster and more efficiently. It will also clean the registry.

Wit happened to my computer?

I recently recovered from a virus on my computer and everything was fast on the computer until I updated to Internet exploror 7 cuz before I had Internet exploror 6. Ever since I updated my computer has been very slow. Can anybody help? Also I have antivirus software that I bought in target and it told me there were no virus or spyware so I really dont get it

Wit happened to my computer?malware

sivart knows what he's talking about. downgrade.

also if you are willing to spend money, buy Mcafee antivirus or for Avast! for free online. Both very effective antivirus systems.

other options: download firefox; mozilla; Safari (from apple website); msn explorer

Wit happened to my computer?norton 360

Use FireFox!!!
Use Mozilla Firefox ver.
not enough ram, ie 7 sucks it. It is a bad explorer. If you want tabs use firefox. or downgrade to 6.1
The 7 is slow but will help some to run disc cleanup and defrag also, will help with speed somewhat.

Spyware/virus ?

My son is having some trouble with his computer in Chicago, a notice has come up on screen saying his computer is in danger from spyware and to click on box to fix. When he does this it opens a site on the web selling antivirus software.What can he do to get rid of this problem.

Spyware/virus ?matchless

Your PC is infected with a smitfraud trojan. There are 2 ways to remove it. Both are free, or you can make a donation if you like.


use the smitfraud fix latest version

Spyware/virus ?norton 2008

It looks like your son as Spyware in his system. I would suggest downloading . that should kill it.
If your spyware has expired it does that. Spybot Search and Destroy is free. My entire family has been using it for years. I think you can download it from It may be listed as Spybot SD

Here is a step by step set of instructions designed to help you clean up your system.
if its spyware id try this i had some major spyware problems and i tried free scan after free scan and nothing worked no avg anti spyware or spybot,spyzapper,super anit spyware and like 7 others, this one i gave you is about $19.95 ITS CHEAPER then what some people were asking for, i didnt have $49.99 to be blowing on spyware and plus if it doesnt work you can get your money back......they found like 500 things on my first scan and i just kept running scan after scan, the next day it was all gone

you can download it first and run a scan to see if they even find anything before you buy i though hope i helped %26lt;3

Have you received this msg from any one. Could it be true. Just comment about it. Where/Who is the s

I M P O R T A N T W A R N I NG ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on.

This information arrived this morning, Directs from both

Microsoft and Norton.

Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the


You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail with a Power Point

presentation " Life is Beautiful "


and delete it immediately.

If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying:

"It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful "

Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC,

And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name,

e-mail and password

This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday


AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the antivirus

software's are not capable of destroying it.

The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself "life



And ask them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Have you received this msg from any one. Could it be true. Just comment about it. Where/Who is the source?mcaffee

No! I would bet it is just a hoax. An attempt to make ppl that dont know any better more paranoid than they already are.

Can someone please explain in detail how a Trojan is downloaded on a computer secretly?

I'm studying computer security and it is of interest to me, seeing as it's happened to me before. Please DO NOT tell me antivirus software names or the like.

Can someone please explain in detail how a Trojan is downloaded on a computer secretly?microsoft office

Spywares are spread either by piggybacking on a piece of

desirable software or by tricking the computer user into

installing them.

Some "rogue" anti-spyware programs even masquerade as

security software.

Spyware can also come bundled with shareware or other

downloadable computer software.

Can someone please explain in detail how a Trojan is downloaded on a computer secretly?norton antivirus

A Trojan is a virus or malware that's "hiding" inside a legit program (or a program that LOOKS legit). It's got to be downloaded by a user, then it goes to town.

That's why it's called a Trojan - look up the classic story about the Trojan Horse.
just by visiting certain wibsites can download viruses behind your back.
usually they are downloaded in the form of cookies and then convert when they install.
There are several methods that can load a trojan onto your computer.

Still can&#039;t open e-mail?

I am using Vista and Windows Mail for the past 6 months. I also have a sbcglobal via yahoo e-mail account where I import my mail to windows mail. Up until Friday, I was able to receive my e-mail. Now I can't. I checked with my computer hardware and it's not that. Att%26t claims it's not their problem. Checked with my antivirus software, firewalls, not contributing to the problem. I realized that Yahoo had updated their e-mail pop3 and tried that but, again I have a and not just yahoo.

When I go to I am able to open, receive and send e-mail, however, when I go to retreive my mail at Windows Mail, I can't.

Thanks for your help

Still can't open e-mail?microsoft

Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. Suggested cures range from Update Adobe Flash Player and Javascript to clear IE7 cache, cookies, and browsing history. Different things seem to work for different people. It's causing attachments to not show, 999 errors where it won't let you do a particular action and some people cannot send receive delete or move mail. It's not just Vista either it's happening to some of us on XP. I have been advised to use this site to view my mail, if all else fails go back to classic mail via this link. click yes when asked do you want to opt out. Hope this helps.

What ARE these e-mails....?

About once or twice a week I get these weird e-mails with strange subject lines and content that is mumbo-jumbo. I got one today with the subject line of "Demoralizing Menstrual." Huh? This one actually made some sense, though; it was a long rambling message about Google. Most of them, though, are usually just random words strung together that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

By the way, I have good antivirus software, and I don't open these up. I read them by clicking on Properties %26gt; Details %26gt; Message Source (in Outlook Express). Thanks.

What ARE these e-mails....?moto guzzi

It's spammers sending out the garbage messages as a test ... to see if their address lists are good before they hawk their wares. Deleting them is fine.

What ARE these e-mails....?norton internet security 2008

These messages are spammers try to take control of your computer or internet. These messages may also have viruses installed within them

I am positive I have AdWare! Access Denied?

My Antivirus software is telling me that it's being denied access to deleting my AdWare (and what's likely a virus). I need help.

I am positive I have AdWare! Access Denied?network security

Scan again and try and remove in safe mode.

In general, Windows does not allow the deletion of files when they are in use. However, Safe Mode will only load a minimum amount of drivers and services to run Windows, making removal a better bet. Scan again and attempt to delete while your computer is in safe mode.

To access Safe Mode, reboot then repeatedly press the F8 key at the first screen. When finished removing that pest, reboot again to return to normal mode.

I am positive I have AdWare! Access Denied?norton internet security

normaly, if your anti-virus or spyware programs can't remove a virus or ad-ware, it's usually best to reboot in safe mode and run both again, that usually takes care of it
try using this perfectly safe and totally free prgoram!

i use spybot search and destroy every week just to make sure nothings on my comp. this program is free to download and its free to delete any unwanted spyware/adware! which is amazing cause **** hard to find. they only ask for a donation but you dont have too!

search " spybot search and destroy" on any search engine.
if you are having any problems run your scans in safe mode, that way nothing else is allowed to run and you have a much better chance of fixing it

How to get rid of this?

There's this thing on the bottom right of my screen (windows xp) and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be there. It's a little pop-up bubble (like the windows update) and it says "(warning sign) (bold) System Alert! (end bold) System has detected a number of active spyware applications that my impact the performance of your computer. Click the icon to get rid of unwanted spyware by downloading an up-to-date antispyware solution."

I tried Spybot: Search and Destroy, but it didn't pick it up. Neither did the antivirus software. Any other ideas? free antispyware downloads?

Thanks in advance


How to get rid of this?network

Is that advertising trying to sell you, one (or more) of these useless products? If it is one of these, then it is likely an infection called Smitfraud that is causing the phony warnings. It is scam advertising trying to swindle you. And a link to a free removal tool is down at the bottom.




Antispyware Soldier,















Riskware file in Windows?

My antivirus software allerted me of a file and classified it as riskware.

Inside the directory WINDOWS, I found the specific directory that caused the problem named as 'svchost', which contains a file named 'rec'.

I don't know if I shoud delete it or not. Is it a file critical for the system or is it indeed malware?

Riskware file in Windows?computer virus

If your anti virus alerted you it is most likely to be riskware. Just quarantine it and see how your system performs. If it becomes unstable re-install it from quarantine.


Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter...?

I'm confused! Our OS crashed on our computer, and my stepdad reformatted the hard drive. Last night while it was at my mom's, they were able to get it started and going online with some antivirus software installed. Well now at home, I'm getting this error message: Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. There aren't any disks in the drive, and we don't have the OS disks (my husband left them at my mom's when he picked up the computer) - are we temporarily screwed?

Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter...?computers

You're temporally screwed until you get the Windows disk(CD) that came with the computer. Once you have it, boot into safe mode and set master boot to CD drive and exit. Shut down computer. Insert CD in drive bay and restart computer. Once computer restarts, it will give you some options...choose Repair. Follow any prompts. You may have to restart PC again.

Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter...?hijack this

Unfortuantely, the disk that your computer is referring to is the hard drive disk. The OS is having trouble reading the hard drive instructions and thus the error. What you will need to do is buy a new hard drive and install it to fix the present problem. No big deal, just a pain in the *** is all. And yes, you are temporarily screwed until you pick up another hard drive.
You may not necessarily need a new hard drive, it could just be formatted wrong (a software problem). This seems plausible to me since you said your stepdad just completely reformatted the drive. However, since you said it was working a little while ago, it's also possible the drive is physically damaged. You should be able to test the drive's integrity to some extent if you put a DOS-based boot disk or CD in, and use FDISK or other tools to look at the drive. However, this is a little complicated to explain in a short answer like this. If you do get another drive though, you will have to go through these same steps, so it might be worth it to look up FDISK, FORMAT, etc and simple DOS commands and play with them on the drive you have now before you go buy another one. There's a chance you could fix it without having to buy anything at all. If the DOS stuff is too complicated for you, you could try putting in the "recovery" cd which might have come with your computer. Note that both these options will likely erase everything currently on the drive.

Very complex virus problem?

The computer virus on my computer (not this one) prevents me installing or using a antivirus software, and closes the window if i search "virus" on google. It runs wmigrd.exe and javanet.exe. Does anyone can suggest something except format?

Very complex virus problem?download

I seem to have this problem too!!

here is my sequence.

noticed a problem. something tried to take over my modem(i am a dialup user), rebooted. *something* tried to do some linux thingy but failed ..

tried to run regedit for for a wiered RUN registry entry. regedit wouldn't kick in.

ran the task manager. killed all proccesses i didn't recognize including javenet.exe. ran regedit succesfully and found a javanet.exe entries all over the place.

did a file search for javanet.exe didnt find it except in the prefetch. useless

found a hidden copy in BOTH C:\ and C:\windows\system32. I used a unix-like ls command that i use for this sort of problem. pretty handy.

deleted them but they came back in a a minute.

deleted again but THIS TIME *I*made a directory called javanet.exe in it's place. wierd i know but this rbot variant couldn't deal with it.

pulled the plug(literally) and restarted.. cleaned up registry entries.

note: when i rebooted, explorer opened up a directory view of my fake directory in c:\(due to regedit entry), *then* i dealt with the copy in c:\windows\system32

A computer question......?

I need to find an open-source antivirus software app. to run on my flash drive. please provide a link!

A computer question......?downloads ... avg is pretty good ... they use mcafees definition files ... enjoy

How do you remove spyware from your computer for free?

I have Yahoo Anti-Spy, which occasionally catches some spyware on my computer, but when I use an online scanner, there are lots of other things that are hidden on my computer. How do I get these infected files out of my computer without having to buy antivirus software? Most of them are in "hkey" files. Thanks.

How do you remove spyware from your computer for free?ducati

Spy bot is free and Microsoft also has a beta version only for XP and above. There is Yahoo tool bar which has built in antispyware and adaware also which are free.

If you are computer literate then try to remove yourself by looking into the registry and associated dll files or down load hijackthis they have a forum and help people to removing spyware. Thats a big help because some spywares are so stubborn that spybot, ms, adware and yahoo antispywares don't even recognize them.

If you search the net you will find less known programms some of them are spywares them selves and some take you to porn sites and you will get spywares from those sites.

How do you remove spyware from your computer for free?hp

Ad-aware and Spybot both do an excellent job. I like Ad-aware best though. You can get them at

Also I would recommend running both. Sometimes one catches what the other one missed. You might see something at the site about them detecting each other as spyware, but I haven't had that problem.
Just download windows defender from microsoft.

How to delete adware/spyware?

How do you delete spyware easily without using antivirus software, windows defender, or any of that other crap. Is there a way to just delete them into the recycling bin? How do u get rid of spyware/adware, any recommendations?

How to delete adware/spyware?firewall

First go through your Add/Remove Programs list and get rid of stuff you dont recognize and things with really small file sizes. Second click Start/All Programs/Startup and delete the shortcuts in your Startup folder. Third go to My Computer/Program files and delete folders you dont recognize. Fourth click Start/Run and type msconfig, click the Startup tab and see what is listed, be careul removing stuff from this list because it can effect how well your machine runs. Lots of spyware/adware stuff have names that make absolutely no sense at all. Look at the name and the location it is running from before you remove from startup. Once you have removed from startup reboot then find and delete the files. The last thing you can do is go through your registry one line at a time but I dont advise this for anyone who is not familiar with the registry.

How to delete adware/spyware?husqvarna

get spybot...the best and free.
Go to, their free scanner will tell you everything it finds and where it is, then you can manually delete or change settings. I've used it to fix things Adaware and Spybot couldn't fix.
install Norton Internet Security the bes and professional way to go
Get Sybot search %26 destroy AND Lavasoft Adaware

Both are freeware
no. you must use at least an antispyware software. try spyware doctor and get the crack from
What happened? Did you scan, and all that crap came back? Start in safe mode, and SHIFT+DEL it.
A free program I use is Ad-ware, it is readily available and is free of charge plus they update weekly to seek out any new bugs and other things, it also checks for Hi-jacks to your browser and OS
I ask you one question: How can you find hundreds of infected files by yourself without using an anti-spyware software?

You are asking this question likely: I am very sick. Is there any way to find a cure without going to the doctor?

I want to increase the speed of my computer?

my computer configuarations

256 mb ram

80 gb hard disk

pentium 4

i have a norton antivirus software too

I want to increase the speed of my computer?free adware remover

Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some regsitry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer slow".

Everytime you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you've installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it's Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Regisry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!

There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.

You can download and scan your computer for free.

I want to increase the speed of my computer?internet security 2006

just keep on defragmenting ur drive. keepur pc clear frm all the viruses.Delete all the temporary folder files and other internet files.And try increasing ur RAM to 1GB or 2GB it will considerably increase ur pc performance.
firstly it will b injustice 2 the poor computer tryin 2 squeeze out speed from such a low configuration but still u hav ur reasons 4 gettin such a config

I have virus in my computer ...and this virus disable my system , how to remove this

is there any good antivirus software to remove this virus

I have virus in my computer ...and this virus disable my system , how to remove this virus?free anti virus

I have virus in my computer ...and this virus disable my system , how to remove this virus?internet security software

if you have norton installed.. try restarting your pc in safe mode and run norton.. or use avg antivirus.. run it at startup..

Download any of below antivirus: -

AVG Anti virus from

Avast! Antivirus from

Install, update %26 scan in safe mode.
Don't use AVG, use Avast! Trust me, it's better.

What exactly do you mean by disabled your system? Can you still boot up your computer? If not, you might want to try a system restore, disk repair, or reformat your hard drive if you have to.
Couple of free ones you may wanna try are.


for me its norton

I Need Anti Virus?

ok so i have a dial up internet connection (SBC) and it doesnt come with anti virus so does any one know of any good free antivirus software

I Need Anti Virus?free antivirus download

Both of these are free.

Download Grisoft AVG 7.5 Anti-Virus,Anti-Malware.(free)

AVG is a collection of anti-virus protection tools that gives you full protection against viruses, worms, Trojans and malware. AVG provides you with all that you need to be completely protected: including a tool for scanning your hard drive and e-mail, as well as a real-time shield to prevent infections.

Top Features

禄 Provides automatic update functionality

禄 Its a reliable anti-virus scanning engine

禄 Provides free Virus Updates for life

禄 Options to define file name extensions

禄 Real time protection with resident shield, email scanning

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition feature highlights

Protects your PC as you are working, surfing and playing

Detects, quarantines, disinfects and destroys Viruses, Trojans and Worms

OnGuard鈩?protects your computer against threats in real-time

Automatically checks for frequent updates against the latest threats.

*Never install more than one anti-virus on your PC, as they may conflict with each other. On the other hand, its always good to install more than one anti-spyware.

Warning!!! Don&#039;t go to Website about UFO Crash in New Jersey!!! Virus Alert!!!!!?

I've spent the past 90 minutes trying various AntiVirus software to get rid of it! Wish I could remember who posted it?...but, went to recommended site "", Avoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's a Nasty Trojan Virus!!!!!!! (Win32Hostidel.Trojan), (Vendor: Eagle Boy).

Warning!!! Don't go to Website about UFO Crash in New Jersey!!! Virus Alert!!!!!?free antivirus

The person who posted it is Micos. He posted it no less then 6 times, and they're his only questions...

Warning!!! Don't go to Website about UFO Crash in New Jersey!!! Virus Alert!!!!!?internet

Thanks for the info, I recommend NOD32, it has Internet Monitor, so if you were running it while opening the file, it would have detected it.
thanks for the warnng. I ignored one whilst I was on holiday in India called Kama Sutra and it took me more than a month to get rid of it. I had to go to Hedwitt and Packard in the end to help me.
thankyou for the advanced warning....but this why you always need to have up to date antivirus working and recent back ups......i guess you will learn to do that in furture right?

thanks for the heads up though ta
tats rite..i didnt have AV protection when it hit...damn
thanks mate. weren't you already having AV protection before being hit?
it is someone called MICOS... he answered with it on one of my questions! thank goodness I didnt check it out. Thanks for the warning!!