Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My computer is infected with a viru Can someone help?

My computer is currently infected and I am not able to access my antivirus software to get rid of it. I have Mcafee and everytime I turn the computer on, it always takes forever to load up. When I sign in with my user name, there are no icons or anythings. Can someone help me? Also, I can only use the computer in safe mode.

My computer is infected with a viru Can someone help?bmw

Reboot the computer and tap the F8 key when it's booting.

That should take you to a black screen with a few options.

Select to start the computer with the last known good configuration.

When the computer reboots and you get back online head for and get their free personal virus scanner program (Home Edition).

It will run with McAfee but doesn't like McAfee's Firewall.

McAfee is not that good of a virus scanner, I have run it for many years and the only way I can keep my machine online is to run both Avast Virus scanner and McAfee as a token virus scanner.

Hope this helps.

My computer is infected with a viru Can someone help?free adware remover

It contains some boot virus. So any antivirus with boot support with updated virus definitions. If it is not working you will need to format drive and reinstall OS
Scan computers online, no need to install antivirus, as long as Internet Explorer works well:

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