Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Please help me iam loosing my brand new labtop?

I have no antivirus software, and a few days ago the screen is divided into two equal parts, one white (bottom) and the other showing images normally. I would like to know if it's a virus that caused or may be a shock (but I do not remember that it is falling.) Thanks

Please help me iam loosing my brand new labtop?

chances are it's just a fault and so take it back to your retailer to get it check out

Please help me iam loosing my brand new labtop?antivirus downloads

is this a newer gaming pc? if so, it could be using an SLI video setup. if that's the case, it could be one of many problems, including one of the two video adapters going bad. other problems may include the connection between the video adapter and the screen.

In an SLI setup, there are two video adapters. One renders the top half of the screen, the second renders the bottom half.
also if it is that new you probally dont have much on it. so i would try to reinstall your windows cd and see if that clears it up. if it does then it probally was a virus. viruses now in days do wierd things now. make your sound go out or act up to whatever. especially if you were going on the internet with it without any protection on it. try to reinstall your windows and i mean reinstall not just fix it but actually reinstall it. and new to you it still might be old. you should also try to update your drivers too. if you can that is.
You can also give PC Booster 2008 a try. It has the latest registry cleaner technology to clean up all your registry problems in 2 minute.

or you can download PC Booster 2008 for free here
sounds more like a fault in the lcd screen, if its brand new it should be under warranty
Your LCD might Be defective.

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